\chapter{Concept and Design} \label{cha:conceptdesign} introduction to what needs to be done. also clarify terms "Host" and "Device" here \section[Requirements]{Requirements and Data} short section. Multiple expressions; vars for all expressions; params unique to expression; operators that need to be supported \section{Interpreter} as introduction to this section talk about what "interpreter" means in this context. so "gpu parses expr and calculates" \subsection{Architecture} talk about the coarse grained architecture on how the interpreter will work. (.5 to 1 page probably) \subsection{Host} talk about the steps taken to prepare for GPU interpretation \subsection{Device} talk about how the actual interpreter will be implemented \section{Transpiler} as introduction to this section talk about what "transpiler" means in this context. so "cpu takes expressions and generates ptx for gpu execution" \subsection{Architecture} talk about the coarse grained architecture on how the transpiler will work. (.5 to 1 page probably) \subsection{Host} talk about how the transpiler is implemented \subsection{Device} talk about what the GPU does. short section since the gpu does not do much