%% hgbbib.sty
%% Bibliography Setup
%% This file is part of the Hagenberg Thesis package for creating bachelors's and masters's theses
%% Author: Wilhelm Burger (wilbur@ieee.org)
%% GitHub: https://github.com/Digital-Media/HagenbergThesis
%% File encoding: ASCII


\newcommand{\@bibstyle}{numeric-comp}	%% default bibliography style is 'numeric-comp'


\RequirePackage{csquotes}				% recommended for biblatex

%% titles of reference section + 3 categories of references:

	\renewcommand{\@bibtitleOnline}{Online sources}	

%% categories for a split bibliography (order of declaration is important!)

%% headings for the bibliography categories




\defbibheading{noheader}[]{}		% 'none' should be defined but isn't

%Assign a given bibliography entry to one of the defined categories.
\newcommand{\@AssignToBibCategory}[1]% argument 1: entry key 
	{\addtocategory{literature}{#1}}% else (default)

%Hook provided by biblatex.

%This is only a wrapper to \addbibresource to allow the use
%of the classic bibtex-workflow in the future.

% Declare a source map so the sorting in \cite commands works across the bib categories
% The maps need to correspond to the entry types in the bib categories (which can't unfortunately used)
    \map{ % All entry types except for media, software and online
	  \step[fieldset=presort, fieldvalue = {A}]
	\map{ % media entry types
	  \step[fieldset=presort, fieldvalue = {B}]
	\map{ % software entry types
	\step[fieldset=presort, fieldvalue = {C}]
	\map{ % online entry types
	  \step[fieldset=presort, fieldvalue = {D}]

%See http://www.jr-x.de/publikationen/latex/tipps/zeilenumbruch.html
	{\hyphenpenalty=2%		(default 50)
	 \tolerance=9999%			(default 200)
	 \exhyphenpenalty=2%	(default 50)
	 \linepenalty=1%			(default 10)
	 % allow URL hyphenation at any character (definitions in biblatex.def)

% Currently the only public macro:
% \MakeBibliography ... creates a reference section split subsections (default)
% \MakeBibliography[nosplit] ... creates a one-piece reference section
	% opt. arg (#1): optional argument "nosplit" to get a 1-piece bibliography
		{% create a single bibliography with all entries:
		{% split the bibliography using the predefined categories:

% Suppress unusual "In:" within journal article references. 
% see http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/10682/suppress-in-biblatex

% To suppress warnings related to missing biblatex "drivers":

% Remove the contents of the url field if a doi field is present
% To avoid duplicate DOI URLs

% Use a semicolon between multiple entries in \cites
%\renewcommand*{\multicitedelim}{\addsemicolon\space}		%% abandoned, affects regular \cite{a,b,c,..} entries too

% New command for multiple citations with supplementary texts
% usage: \mcite[text1]{key1}[text2]{key2}...[textN]{keyN}
% see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/132981

% Macro to produce cites with no backref entries
% NOTE: \citenobr is DEPRECATED, use ... {\backtrackerfalse\cite{...}} instead!
	\DeclareCiteCommand{\citenobr}% version for APA
		{\PackageWarning{hgb}{Macro \protect\citenobr\space is deprecated, use \protect\backtrackerfalse\space instead!}
	\DeclareCiteCommand{\citenobr}%	version for numeric-comp et al.
		{\PackageWarning{hgb}{Macro \protect\citenobr\space is deprecated, use \protect\backtrackerfalse\space instead!}