%% hgbabbrev.sty
%% This file is part of the Hagenberg Thesis package for creating bachelors's and masters's theses
%% Author: Wilhelm Burger (wilbur@ieee.org)
%% GitHub: https://github.com/Digital-Media/HagenbergThesis
%% File encoding: ASCII


\newcommand{\latex}{La\-TeX\xspace}	% no ornamental LaTeX anymore
\newcommand{\tex}{TeX\xspace}		% no ornamental LaTeX anymore
\newcommand{\bs}{\textbackslash}	% backslash character
\newcommand{\obnh}{\hskip 0pt }		%optional break without hyphen: e.g. PlugIn{\obnh}Filter
%\newcommand{\optbreaknh}{\hskip 0pt } %obsolete, replaced by above

% Miscellaneous abbreviations (in dependance on Jochen Kuepper, jkthesis):

%% German abbreviations:

\newcommand{\sa}{s.\ auch\@\xspace}
\newcommand{\so}{s.\ oben\xspace}
\newcommand{\su}{s.\ unten\@\xspace}

\newcommand{\va}{vor allem\@\xspace}
\newcommand{\ZB}{Zum Beispiel\xspace}

%% English abbreviations:
