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Related work: continuation of GPGPU
2025-03-02 12:23:59 +01:00

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\chapter{Fundamentals and Related Work}
The goal of this chapter is to provide an overview of equation learning to establish common knowledge of the topic and problem this thesis is trying to solve. The main part of this chapter is split into two parts. The first part is exploring research that has been done in the field of general purpose computations on the GPU (GPGPU) as well as the fundamentals of it. Focus lies on exploring how graphics processing units (GPUs) are used to achieve substantial speed-ups and when they can be effectively employed. The second part describes the basics of how interpreters and compilers are built and how they can be adapted to the workflow of programming GPUs.
\section{Equation learning}
% Section describing what equation learning is and why it is relevant for the thesis
Equation learning is a field of research that aims at understanding and discovering equations from a set of data from various fields like mathematics and physics. Data is usually much more abundant while models often are elusive. Because of this, generating equations with a computer can more easily lead to discovering equations that describe the observed data. \textcite{brunton_discovering_2016} describe an algorithm that leverages equation learning to discover equations for physical systems. A more literal interpretation of equation learning is demonstrated by \textcite{pfahler_semantic_2020}. They use machine learning to learn the form of equations. Their aim was to simplify the discovery of relevant publications by the equations they use and not by technical terms, as they may differ by the field of research. However, this kind of equation learning is not relevant for this thesis.
Symbolic regression is a subset of equation learning, that specialises more towards discovering mathematical equations. A lot of research is done in this field. \textcite{keijzer_scaled_2004} and \textcite{korns_accuracy_2011} presented ways of improving the quality of symbolic regression algorithms, making symbolic regression more feasible for problem-solving. Additionally, \textcite{jin_bayesian_2020} proposed an alternative to genetic programming (GP) for the use in symbolic regression. Their approach increased the quality of the results noticeably compared to GP alternatives. The first two approaches are more concerned with the quality of the output, while the third is also concerned with interpretability and reducing memory consumption. \textcite{bartlett_exhaustive_2024} also describe an approach to generate simpler and higher quality equations while being faster than GP algorithms. Heuristics like GP or neural networks as used by \textcite{werner_informed_2021} in their equation learner can help with finding good solutions faster, accelerating scientific progress. As seen by these publications, increasing the quality of generated equations but also increasing the speed of finding these equations is a central part in symbolic regression and equation learning in general. This means research in improving the computational performance of these algorithms is desired.
The expressions generated by an equation learning algorithm can look like this $x_1 + 5 - \text{abs}(p_1) * \text{sqrt}(x_2) / 10 + 2 \char`^ 3$. They consist of several unary and binary operators but also of constants, variables and parameters and expressions mostly differ in length and the kind of terms in the expressions. Per iteration many of these expressions are generated and in addition, matrices of values for the variables and parameters are also created. One row of the variable matrix corresponds to one instantiation of all expressions and this matrix contains multiple rows. This leads to a drastic increase of instantiated expressions that need to be evaluated. Parameters are a bit simpler, as they can be treated as constants for one iteration but can have a different value on another iteration. This means that parameters do not increase the number of expressions that need to be evaluated. However, the increase in evaluations introduced by the variables is still drastic and therefore increases the algorithm runtime significantly.
\section[GPGPU]{General Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Units}
Graphics cards (GPUs) are commonly used to increase the performance of many different applications. Originally they were designed to improve performance and visual quality in games. \textcite{dokken_gpu_2005} first described the usage of GPUs for general purpose programming. They have shown how the graphics pipeline can be used for GPGPU programming. Because this approach also requires the programmer to understand the graphics terminology, this was not a great solution. Therefore, Nvidia released CUDA\footnote{\url{}} in 2007 with the goal of allowing developers to program GPUs independent of the graphics pipeline and terminology. A study of the programmability of GPUs with CUDA and the resulting performance has been conducted by \textcite{huang_gpu_2008}. They found that GPGPU programming has potential, even for non-embarassingly parallel problems. Research is also done in making the low level CUDA development simpler. \textcite{han_hicuda_2011} have described a directive-based language to make development simpler and less error-prone, while retaining the performance of handwritten code. To drastically simplify CUDA development \textcite{besard_effective_2019} showed that it is possible to develop with CUDA in the high level programming language Julia\footnote{\url{}} while performing similar to CUDA written in C. In a subsequent study \textcite{lin_comparing_2021} found that high performance computing (HPC) on the CPU and GPU in Julia performs similar to HPC development in C. This means that Julia can be a viable alternative to Fortran, C and C++ in the HPC field and has the additional benefit of developer comfort since it is a high level language with modern features such as garbage-collectors. \textcite{besard_rapid_2019} have also shown how the combination of Julia and CUDA help in rapidly developing HPC software. While this thesis in general revolves around CUDA, there also exist alternatives by AMD called ROCm\footnote{\url{}} and a vendor independent alternative called OpenCL\footnote{\url{}}.
While in the early days of GPGPU programming a lot of research has been done to assess if this approach is feasible, it now seems obvious to use GPUs to accelerate algorithms. Weather simulations began using GPUs very early for their models. In 2008 \textcite{michalakes_gpu_2008} proposed a method for simulating weather with the WRF model on a GPU. With their approach, they reached a speed-up of the most compute intensive task of 5 to 20, with very little GPU optimisation effort. They also found that the GPU usages was very low, meaning there are resources and potential for more detailed simulations. Generally, simulations are great candidates for using GPUs, as they can benefit heavily from a high degree of parallelism and data throughput. \textcite{koster_high-performance_2020} have developed a way of using adaptive time steps to improve the performance of time step simulations, while retaining their precision and constraint correctness. Black hole simulations are crucial for science and education for a better understanding of our world. \textcite{verbraeck_interactive_2021} have shown that simulating complex Kerr (rotating) black holes can be done on consumer hardware in a few seconds. Schwarzschild black hole simulations can be performed in real-time with GPUs as described by \textcite{hissbach_overview_2022} which is especially helpful for educational scenarios. While both approaches do not have the same accuracy as detailed simulations on supercomputers, they show how single GPUs can yield similar accuracy at a fraction of the cost. Networking can also heavily benefit from GPU acceleration as shown by \textcite{han_packetshader_2010}, where they achieved a significant increase in throughput than with a CPU only implementation. Finite element structural analysis is an essential tool for many branches of engineering and can also heavily benefit from the usage of GPUs as demonstrated by \textcite{georgescu_gpu_2013}.
\subsection{Programming GPUs}
% This part now starts taking about architecture and how to program GPUs
talk about the fields GPGPU really helped make performance improvements (weather simulations etc). Then describe how it differs from classical programming. talk about architecture (SIMD/SIMT; a lot of "slow" cores).
starting from here I can hopefully incorporate more images to break up these walls of text
\subsection[PTX]{Parallel Thread Execution}
Describe what PTX is to get a common ground for the implementation chapter. Probably a short section
brief overview about compilers (just setting the stage for the subsections basically). Talk about register management and these things
What are interpreters; how they work; should mostly contain/reference gpu interpreters
talk about what transpilers are and how to implement them. If possible also gpu specific transpilation.