2025-01-04 10:38:27 +01:00

352 lines
12 KiB

%% hgb.sty
%% This file is part of the Hagenberg Thesis package for creating bachelors's and masters's theses
%% Author: Wilhelm Burger (
%% GitHub:
%% File encoding: ASCII
\typeout{******************* hgb.sty (options=\@nameuse{opt@hgb.sty}) ***********************}
% Create a default/fallback main language so it is set no matter what
\setboolean{hgb@SmartQuotesOn}{false} % smart quotes are turned off by default
\setboolean{hgb@noUpdateCheck}{false} % update check is perfomed by default
% Handle package options passed from the class file
\DeclareOption*{\ClassWarning{hgb}{Unknown option '\CurrentOption'.}}
%% Required Packages ----------------------------------------------------------
\RequirePackage{lmodern} % use Latin Modern Fonts
\RequirePackage{cmap} % make generated PDF files "searchable and copyable"
\RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} % T1 font encoding for improved hyphenation
% Set main language by selectively loading babel with the 'main' parameter (babel 3.9+)
%% Setup for smart quotes (csquotes package) -- experimental! ----------------------------------
\languageshorthands{none}% %% turn off babel's shorthands (permanently)
%% Language environments ------------------------------------------------------
% Switch from German to English (babel)
% Switch from English to German (babel)
%% Date-related stuff ---------------------------------------------------------
\edef\hgbDate{\csname ver@hgb.sty\endcsname} % get this package's build date
\RequirePackage{xstring} % for string operations
\RequirePackage[english,ngerman,calc,useregional,showdow=false]{datetime2} % replaces obsolete 'datetime' package
\newcommand{\PackageToDTMdate}[2]{% converts date in 'YYYY/MM/DD' format to DTMdate and saves to #2
\PackageToDTMdate{\hgbDate}{hgbPackageDate} % converts package date to DTM format: \DTMusedate{hgbPackageDate}
\DTMsavenoparsedate{hgbToday}{\the\year}{\the\month}{\the\day}{-1} % today's date in DTM format: \DTMusedate{hgbToday}
\newcounter{hgbAgeLimit}\setcounter{hgbAgeLimit}{365} % warn if package is older than 1 year
^^JNOTE: 'hagenberg-thesis' is #1 days old - pls. check for updates
^^J} %
\ifthenelse{\hgbAge>\value{hgbAgeLimit} \AND \NOT \boolean{hgb@noUpdateCheck}}%
%% ------------------------------------------------------
\RequirePackage{upquote} % uses "right" quotes in the verbatim environment
\providecommand{\euro}[0]{\EUR\xspace} % for compatibility with 'eurosym' macro
\RequirePackage[percent]{overpic} % to allow text/graphics overlays on pictures
\RequirePackage{pict2e} % extends the LaTeX 'picture' environment
\ifpdf % LaTeX is in native PDF mode (pdflatex)
\RequirePackage{epstopdf} % converting EPS to PDF for pdflatex
% \pdfcompresslevel=0 % 0 = no compression, 9 = max. compression
% \pdfimageresolution=300
\else % LaTeX is in emulation mode (DVI-PS-PDF)
\RequirePackage[hyphenbreaks]{breakurl} % allows line breaks in URLs without pdflatex (DIV, PS, PDF)
%% hyperref Setup -------------------------------------------------------------
\RequirePackage[unicode]{hyperref} % utf8-change
linktocpage=true, % make page number, not text, be link on TOC, LOF and LOT
colorlinks=false, % don't uses colored links (because this shows up in printing!)
pdfborder={0 0 0.5}, % use a thinner (0.5pt) border around all PDF links
allbordercolors={blue}, % this only works with a named color, any effect?
%breaklinks = true % allow links to break over lines by making links over multiple lines (obsolete)
% Redefine certain commands for bookmarks and meta-data
\def\and{\texorpdfstring{\oldand}{, }}%
\RequirePackage[figure,table,table*]{hypcap} % do not redefine figure* for use in article (without captions)
%% Miscellaneous Utility Commands ---------------------------------------------
\vskip 1.5ex %
% \nopagebreak[4]
\vskip 2.5ex}
\PackageWarning{hgb}{Due to frequent misuse, macro \protect\SuperPar\space has been removed.}
% Test box for print proofing
\newcommand{\calibrationbox}[2]{% parameters: #1=width, #2=height
width $ = #1 \textrm{mm}$\\
height $ = #2 \textrm{mm}$
% Test box for print proofing (obsolete - use \calibrationbox)
\newcommand{\ShowParameter}[1]{\the#1\showthe#1} % to display TeX parameters
%Beispiel: clubpenalty = \ShowParameter{\clubpenalty}
%% Layout Settings ------------------------------------------------------------
\frenchspacing % creates normal spacing between sentences
\setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 0.1pt}
\raggedbottom %\flushbottom
% Captions with font size "small" and additional margin spacing
%% Disable \footnote in captions:
\GenericError{}{Package hgb Error: footnotes in captions are disabled}%
{How to fix: do not place footnotes in captions!}{}}%
% Make float placement easier
\renewcommand{\floatpagefraction}{.9} % previously: .5
\renewcommand{\textfraction}{.1} % previously: .2
\renewcommand{\topfraction}{.9} % previously: .7
\renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{.7} % previously: .3
\setcounter{topnumber}{3} % previously: 2
\setcounter{bottomnumber}{2} % previously: 1
\setcounter{totalnumber}{5} % previously: 3
\RequirePackage{enumitem} % fix excessive vertical spacing in lists
partopsep = .0ex plus .1ex,
topsep = .6ex plus .3ex,
itemsep = .0ex plus .1ex,
parsep = .4ex plus .2ex
% \begin{nowidows}
% Any text where no widows are allowed
% \end{nowidows}
\RequirePackage{lengthconvert} % for showing the current textwidth in mm
% Setup for Table of Contents (ToC)
%\RequirePackage[tocgraduated,tocbreaksstrict]{tocstyle}% %% Note: tocstyle is unsupported!
\RequirePackage{tocbasic}% %% tocbasic is part of koma script
%% Program environments ----------------------------------------
% Define the program float environment:
\ifthenelse{\equal{\bbl@main@language}{german} \or \equal{\bbl@main@language}{ngerman}}%
%% Experimental items ---------------------------------------------------------
{%\paragraph{Pfad:} \url{#1}
\paragraph{\hgb@PathName: \nolinkurl{#1}}
\def\widedotfill{\leaders\hbox to 8pt{\hfil.\hfil}\hfill}
% A generic environment that does nothing, e.g., for temporary variable settings:
% \begin{block}
% \setlength{\tabcolsep}{10pt}
% \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.50}
% ...
% \end{block}
% Gives access to the most recent label assigned (used in longtable example):
%% For inserting foreign PDF pages --------------------------------------------
%% Tables ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Prevent subfigure package from being loaded -------------------------------
% The subfigure package is DEPRECATED (see!
% We strongly advise against its use since it creates poor output which is not
% compatible with our quality standards. Loading this package is therefore blocked
% by default. We recommend to use the 'tabular' environment instead.
\PackageError{hgb}{Use of the 'subfigure' package is not supported in this setup, because it is obsolete}{}
\let\subfigure\undefined% just to make sure ...
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
\setlength{\fboxsep}{0mm} %globally zero fbox separator