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% Title page entries
\title{Interpreter and Transpiler for simple expressions on Nvidia GPUs using Julia}
\author{Daniel Roth}
\programname{Software Engineering}
%\programtype{Fachhochschul-Bachelorstudiengang} % select/edit
\dateofsubmission{2025}{01}{01} % {YYYY}{MM}{DD}
\advisor{DI Dr. Gabriel Kronberger} % optional
%\strictlicense % restrictive license instead of Creative Commons (discouraged!)
\frontmatter % Front part (roman page numbers)
\mainmatter % Main part (arabic page numbers)
\appendix % Appendix
% \include{back/appendix_a} % Technical supplements
% \include{back/appendix_b} % Contents of the CD-ROM/DVD
% \include{back/appendix_c} % Chronological list of changes
% \include{back/appendix_d} % Source text of this document
\backmatter % Back part (bibliography, glossary, etc.)
\MakeBibliography % References
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